* SBF attorneys pursue theory that “cooperating witnesses… changed their tune only in hindsight.” Yeah, that’s how “cooperating witnesses” work. If they weren’t on board at some point they have considerably less valuable testimony. [Law360]
* Sixth Circuit heard the SLAPPy appeal of the Kathy Griffin case. The majority of the panel appeared appropriately skeptical based on “the law,” but Judge Amul Thapar expressed sympathy for the plaintiff’s case based on “the Judge’s desire to be on Trump’s Supreme Court shortlist.” [Courthouse News Service]
* Alex Murdaugh free to seek new trial in boon for a true crime genre starved for content. [Reuters]
* Law school ranking haphazardly melds a bunch of other rankings into a ranking mullet: USNWR up front, wild party in back. [Law.com]
* The NYU Law student that made headlines for characterizing the Hamas attacks as “necessary” is pushing back against the school’s intimation that it will probe the statements. [New York Law Journal]
* Report surveys nearly 900 chief legal officers about cybersecurity and data privacy. [Bloomberg Law News]