
Revitalizing Law Firm Web Traffic

apps-g1614e08be_1920Understanding the dynamics of law firm web traffic is crucial for any legal practice aiming to enhance its online presence. With the rise of digital marketing, potential clients are increasingly relying on search engines to discover and interact with law firms. Consequently, maintaining a steady stream of organic traffic has become an indispensable part of a successful digital marketing strategy.

Learn the strategies that can help identify causes behind declining web traffic and measures to rejuvenate it. Find out how Google Analytics can provide valuable insights into your website’s performance and assist in identifying pages experiencing significant drops in traffic.

Understanding the Decline in Web Traffic

The initial action for remedying a decrease in website traffic is to identify where and why it’s occurring. Use Google Analytics to compare page traffic and find the ones that have taken the biggest hit.

Google Analytics gives you detailed info about your law firm’s website performance, like visitor behavior, demographics, and traffic sources. Analyze this data to identify areas that need improvement.

Specifically, in Google Analytics’ “Behavior” section under “Site Content”, you will see all your website’s pages ranked by views. If certain pages have significantly fewer visits compared to previous periods, focus on troubleshooting those first.

A sudden drop could be due to various reasons, like outdated content or changes in search engine algorithms affecting your page’s ranking. It might also indicate technical issues, such as slow loading speed or broken links that prevent users from accessing the page properly.

Take note of these problem areas to guide your next steps in improving your overall online presence and SEO performance.

Analyzing the Source of Traffic Loss

Once you’ve found the pages that have decreased traffic, look in Google Analytics and add a “Secondary Dimension” of “Source” to see which source (organic, referral, etc.) is to blame for your law firm’s web traffic taking a nosedive.

In Google Analytics, head to Behavior > Site Content > All Pages. Pick a page that has suffered a significant traffic drop and slap on the “Source” as a Secondary Dimension. Examine the source of your decreased website visits by viewing where most of your lost traffic originated.

If organic search is the main culprit behind your losses, it could mean trouble with SEO or changes in search engine algorithms. If referral sources are down, maybe those sites made some changes or removed links pointing to yours.

You might also notice drops from social media platforms if there have been algorithm updates or if engagement on your posts has taken a hit over time. Understanding these factors can help shape future strategies and boost your law firm’s online presence.

Rejuvenating Stale Content

To revive your web traffic, spot the telltale signs of stale content. Look out for dwindling page views, lower engagement rates, and visitors spending less time on your page. Tools like Google Analytics can also help you uncover these patterns.

Strategies for Updating Older Posts

  • Update Information: Keep facts and figures fresh.
  • Add New Insights: If there have been recent developments related to your topic, sprinkle them into your content.
  • Rework Structure: Sometimes a post needs more than just a facelift. You may need to completely rework and rewrite certain sections of content.

Competitor Analysis & Content Development Plan

After identifying stale content, it’s time to look at your rivals. Check out their fresh posts on similar topics that outrank yours and create a plan based on their strategies, while adding your own twist.

Effective competitor analysis made easy

To analyze your competitors effectively, figure out who your main competitors are in the legal industry. Once you’ve determined your competitors, have a look at their online presence including website layout, blog material and social media posts. Tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs can help you investigate and ultimately reveal their SEO tactics and keyword usage.

Developing a content strategy

Armed with insights from your competitor analysis, it’s time to craft a content strategy for your law firm’s website. This might involve creating captivating blog posts or sprucing up existing ones with up-to-date information that’s relevant to current trends in the legal field.

Remember: The goal isn’t just to copy successful competitors, but to outshine them with unique offerings that resonate with potential clients.

If you’re unsure where to start or how to implement your new content strategy across different platforms, consider seeking advice from professionals who specialize in digital marketing.

Updating Page Elements

Sometimes, the secret to boosting your law firm’s web traffic lies in simple updates. Tweaking titles or modifying some wording can make your page more appealing to search engines and users.

Importance of Relevant Titles

The first thing that people will encounter when they search for something on a SERP is the title. It needs to be catchy, concise, and accurately describe your page. If your organic traffic is dropping despite having great content, it’s time to revisit your title tags.

Effectively Modifying Webpage Elements

Aside from titles, other elements like meta descriptions and headers also impact SEO performance. A well-crafted meta description can boost click-through rates, while headers help organize content for readers and search engines.

  • Meta Descriptions: Summarize your page’s content accurately in 160 characters.
  • H1 & H2 Headers: Strategically use keywords in these headers to improve relevancy with Google’s algorithm.

If you’ve tried all this but still see no improvement, consider seeking professional assistance from experts who specialize in the legal industry.

Auditing Your Link Portfolio

If your law firm’s website is still losing traffic despite your best efforts, it’s time to give your link portfolio a check-up. Audit all your links – internal, external, inbound, and outbound – to make sure they’re error-free and functioning properly.

Broken or irrelevant links can sabotage your SEO and turn visitors away. Regularly auditing your links keeps them high-quality and relevant.

    • Internal Links: These are hyperlinks that point to other pages on your website. They make navigation easy for users and help search engines understand your site’s structure.
    • External Links: Also known as outbound links, these direct users to other domains. When used wisely, external linking can enhance user experience by providing additional resources.
    • Inbound Links: Commonly called backlinks, these are links from other websites to yours. They have a significant impact on SEO rankings, so use tools like Ahrefs Backlink Checker to identify and remove harmful backlinks.

Maintaining a healthy link profile improves user experience and boosts visibility in organic searches, bringing back that precious web traffic.


Understanding the decline in law firm web traffic is crucial for optimizing website performance. By utilizing Google Analytics, lawyers and attorneys can identify pages with significant traffic drops and analyze the source of traffic loss.

To rejuvenate stale content, recognizing signs of outdated information and implementing strategies to update older posts is essential. Conducting competitor analysis and developing an improved content strategy will help attract more visitors to your law firm’s website. You can revitalize your law firm’s web traffic through these specific tactics and then start attracting more potential clients to your website again.

Annette Choti, Esq. graduated from law school 20 years ago, and is the Founder of Law Quill, a legal digital marketing agency focused on small and solo law firms. Annette wrote the bestselling book Click Magnet: The Ultimate Digital Marketing Guide For Law Firms, and hosts the podcast Legal Marketing Lounge. She is a sought-after keynote and CLE speaker throughout the United States and Canada. Annette used to do theatre and professional comedy, which is not so different from the legal field if we are all being honest. Annette can be found on LinkedIn or at at