
Morning Docket: 04.23.24


(Photo by SAUL LOEB / AFP) (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

* “As DA Aims High, Trump Defense Gets ‘Down And Dirty.’” Pretty sure the whole case is about him getting down and dirty, but we’ll see have to wait for Stormy and Karen to testify. [


* Supreme Court to hear case about Idaho’s abortion ban and the criminalization of performing a life saving procedure. Who could have predicted this sort of infinite judicial line-drawing in policy matters? Oh wait, everyone. [Reuters]

* Reminder that antitrust warriors like Lina Khan don’t understand that mergers lead to efficiency!!! Also, remaining sugar production conglomerates collude in price fixing scheme causing costs of food staple to skyrocket. []

* Speaking of Lina Khan, the FTC is about to ban non-compete agreements. [Bloomberg Law News]

* Chicago firms grew… but not as fast as New York. This occasion calls for a Malört! [American Lawyer]

* Neal Katyal has a suggestion for Trump’s gag order violations that might actually work… jail time suspended until after trial subject to reevaluation if Trump behaves. More likely to make a dent than fining him $1000 over and over. [Twitter, Yes, Let’s Just Be Honest And Keep Calling It That]

* Law school grads finding work easier than the cohort from 10 years ago… you know, when America was struggling to get out of a financial meltdown. [ABA Journal]