
Fox Personality’s Tweet Called ‘Jury Tampering’ by US Congressman

Amid Republicans – including Donald Trump – claiming over the weekend Iran would never have attacked Israel if Donald Trump were president, and saying Trump never got America into a war, Republican former U.S. Congressman Adam Kinzinger blasted the ex-president and his allies while serving up a series of damning facts and urging them to stop “rewriting history.”

“It’s really easy not to get in a war, if you just surrender everything,” Kinzinger said Sunday evening in what he called an “emergency” video (below). He called the ex-president now on day one of the first criminal trial of any former U.S. president, “the worst foreign policy president of my generation,” and “a week, small, tiny man who was scared to death.”

Kinzinger has strong bona fides to back up his remarks. He is a Lt. Colonel in the U.S. Air Force, where he has served since 2003. (He reportedly is no longer on active duty, but is a member of the Air National Guard.) He fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. In Congress, he served on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, on the Subcommittee on the Middle East, North Africa, and International Terrorism, and was the Ranking Member on the Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, Energy, and the Environment.

He praised Trump for killing Qasem Soleimani, a top Iranian commander who was deemed “Iran’s second most powerful man.”

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“That was a good hit,” he said, before reminding Americans what happened after that.

“Iran responded by launching a whole bunch of missiles at a U.S. base in Iraq. A hundred soldiers were injured with traumatic brain injuries. Remember, Donald Trump said, ‘Oh, they’re just some headaches?’ Yeah, not to those people. It’s serious.”

“How did we respond to that missile barrage against our base? We did nothing,” Kinzinger lamented.

“Do you remember when they shot down a 100 million something dollar drone, which by the way, is not like a little drone? It’s about the size of an airliner. And we responded by – oh, that’s right: Trump did nothing. Do you remember when they attacked the Saudi oil field with a massive barrage? Trump responded by, that’s right: he didn’t do anything.”

“Do you remember when he said we were going to leave the Kurds behind? Remember when he kept talking about leaving Syria and leaving Syria to Iran? Yeah, let’s be clear about Donald Trump. I have my disagreements with this administration. But let’s quit pretending Donald Trump was anything but the worst foreign policy president of my generation, because he was.”

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“He gave Russia everything they needed. He gave Iran everything they needed, And basically was just absolutely surrendering American interests around the world.”

“Yeah, it’s really easy not to get in a war, if you just surrender everything, so let’s quit rewriting history on Donald Trump became he was not some master of foreign policy, he was a week, small, tiny man who was scared to death.”

Watch below or at this link.

Emergency video: Donald Trump did NOT deter Iran. In fact he simply surrendered to our enemies.

Quit rewriting history.

— Adam Kinzinger (Slava Ukraini) 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇮🇱 (@AdamKinzinger) April 14, 2024

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