
‘Work Until You Drop Dead’: House GOP Plan Takes Ax to Social Security, Healthcare, Civil Rights

U.S. Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) repeatedly demanded House Oversight Committee Chairman Jim Comer hold a vote to impeach President Joe Biden, as he declared Wednesday’s impeachment investigation “fake,” while saying on-camera Republicans are “lying to their base.”

“You can be damn sure they would have called the vote by now. Right?” Congressman Moskowitz told the Republicans’ witness, Tony Bobulinski, a former Hunter Biden business associate. “But they want it to go on. They either want it to go on because they don’t have the evidence –”

Bobulinski interjected, saying, “Are you asking me a question?”

“Oh no, I’m just looking at you,” Moskowitz sardonically replied. “But we, if you want to talk to me we can talk.”

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“No,” Bobulinski answered, “I think you haven’t read recent data that shows American people are well aware of the Biden’s corruption.”

“Perfect!” Moskowitz declared. “So then ask the chairman why he hasn’t called for impeachment, Tony. He’s right here. Ask Comer. Hey Comer. How come you haven’t called for impeachment? I’ll do it. Watch. ‘Hi, I’m Tony. Hey, Chairman. How come you haven’t called for impeachment? When are we gonna have the hearing? When is the vote gonna happen?’

The animated Florida Democrat continued, “I mean, you believe it. He believes it. He says it every day on TV. I just don’t know when we’re gonna have the vote.”

“I mean, this, let’s just go,” Moskowitz urged.

“Are you asking me to hold the vote?” Bobulinski said.

“No, I just like looking at you,” Moskowitz announced. “We can save the taxpayers millions of dollars. So I mean, look, I used all of my time to show that this vote is never going to happen because they have no evidence on Joe Biden. I yield back.”

Lol Bobulinski just stumbled into Moskowitz impeachment trap pic.twitter.com/E176e1xeXa

— Acyn (@Acyn) March 20, 2024

Moments earlier, Moskowitz had said, “Well, I mean, I’m just here to help him. Right?”

“And so I just think we should do it today,” Moskowitz said, referring to holding a vote to impeach President Biden.

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“Let’s just call for it. I’ll make the motion. Mr. Chairman, I want to help you out. You can second it. Right? Like make the motion to impeach President Biden. Go ahead. It’s your turn. You second it.”

After pausing for a few seconds to allow Chairman Comer to call for the impeachment vote, Moskowitz continued.

“No, nothing. Okay. We got nothing. So I want, with my last couple minutes, show the American people that they’re never going to impeach Joe Biden, it’s never going to happen, because they don’t have the evidence. Okay, this is a show. It’s all fake. They just want to do these hearings. It’s not leading to impeachment. They’re lying to their base, on Newsmax and Fox, leaving these people to believe that they’re going to eventually impeach the president. It’s not going to happen at all, ever. Period.”

“They don’t even have the votes, even if they had it in committee. They don’t have the votes on the floor. They know that. They got members resigning, rather than taking a vote on the fake faux impeachment. Just ask Ken Buck who said the Speaker ain’t gonna get me to take an unconstitutional impeachment vote. I mean, boy.”

Moskowitz: Make the motion to impeach President Biden. Go ahead…. No. Nothing. They’re never going to impeach him. It’s all fake. They’re lying to their base on Newsmax and Fox leading these people to believe that they’re going to impeach pic.twitter.com/WH375tkXtL

— Acyn (@Acyn) March 20, 2024

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