
‘Get Lost. You’re a Joke’: Top House Democrat Mocks Republicans Upset by Biden SOTU

After President Joe Biden delivered his one hour and seven minute State of the Union Address Thursday night, he spoke with many Senators, Representatives, and guests in the chamber, and was caught on a hot mic sharing some strong language about the embattled and highly controversial Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu.

President Biden, who has formed a coalition to aid Israel after the October 7 attack by Hamas, has been hammered by those, including the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, who say Israel has been committing war crimes as it battles Hamas. Some have said Biden is not doing enough to protect civilians in Gaza, which he addressed during his SOTU remarks.

“Israel also has a fundamental responsibility to protect innocent civilians in Gaza,” President Biden declared, according to his prepared remarks. “This war has taken a greater toll on innocent civilians than all previous wars in Gaza combined. More than 30,000 Palestinians have been killed. Most of whom are not Hamas. Thousands and thousands are innocent women and children. Girls and boys also orphaned. Nearly 2 million more Palestinians under bombardment or displaced. Homes destroyed, neighborhoods in rubble, cities in ruin. Families without food, water, medicine. It’s heartbreaking.”

He also announced a massive humanitarian aid program from Gaza.

“The United States has been leading international efforts to get more humanitarian assistance into Gaza,” Biden said. “Tonight, I’m directing the U.S. military to lead an emergency mission to establish a temporary pier in the Mediterranean on the Gaza coast that can receive large ships carrying food, water, medicine and temporary shelters. No U.S. boots will be on the ground. This temporary pier would enable a massive increase in the amount of humanitarian assistance getting into Gaza every day.”

And he warned Israel it “must also do its part,” and “must allow more aid into Gaza and ensure that humanitarian workers aren’t caught in the cross fire.”

READ MORE: ‘Will Transform the 2024 Campaign’: Biden SOTU Praised as ‘Galvanizing Call to Action’

As the President entered the chamber Thursday night, he spent what is a very long time, seven minutes, chatting with lawmakers and other attendees, shaking hands, appearing excited and happy.

After he finished delivering the State of the Union Address, Biden spent even more time in the chamber – 25 minutes – so long that the lights were turned off in an apparent effort to force him to leave.

About 25 minutes after the #SOTU2024 concluded, the House gaveled out and turned off the lights while President Biden was still in the Chamber.https://t.co/CI8oBrmJsT pic.twitter.com/ra5vit8Wkw

— Jeremy Art (@cspanJeremy) March 8, 2024

But before the lights went down, President Biden was caught on a hot mic discussing the dire warning he gave the Israeli Prime Minister.

In private, Biden reportedly has been frustrated with the Israeli Prime Minister, for not protecting Palestinian civilians, and has called Netanyahu an “asshole,” several times, NBC News reported last month. The Times of Israel reports Biden privately has called Netanyahu a “bad fucking guy.”

On Thursday, Biden again appeared to express his frustration.

President Biden was “overheard telling Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) and Secretary of State Antony Blinken about discussions with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza — before Biden’s bodyguard rushed over to tell him he was wearing a hot mic. Biden then stopped talking and moved on,” The Washington Post reports.

READ MORE: ‘Slapped Yourself in the Face’: Grassley Schooled Over ‘Biden’s America’ Attack

Video shows the President saying, “I told him, Bibi, and don’t repeat this, but you and I are going to have a ‘come to Jesus’ meeting.”

Dictionary.com notes that “Outside religious contexts, come to Jesus refers to a meeting or moment where one undergoes a difficult but positive and powerful realization or change in character or behavior.”

After his bodyguard stopped Biden, the President said, “I’m on a hot mic here. Good. That’s good.”

President Biden: “I told him, Bibi, and don’t repeat this, but you and I are going to have a ‘come to Jesus’ meeting.”

“I’m on a hot mic here. Good. That’s good.” pic.twitter.com/KCgpbx4awf

— Sawyer Hackett (@SawyerHackett) March 8, 2024

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