
Effective Strategies To Update Blog Posts For Lawyers

apps-g1614e08be_1920Updating blog posts is an essential practice that many law firms often overlook. By optimizing your existing content, you can breathe new life into posts originally published years ago, while also improving SEO and maintaining relevance in the ever-changing digital landscape.

Learn why it’s crucial to update blog posts regularly and how keeping your material new can assist you with outdoing the opposition in content creation and answer inquiries that may develop as time passes. Find out strategies for identifying which posts need updates – whether they’re high-performing blogs that could benefit from small tweaks or underperforming ones requiring a more significant overhaul.

Why Update Blog Posts?

Updating blog posts is crucial for lawyers and law firms to outshine their competition in search rankings. It’s like adding floors to a skyscraper, ensuring it stands tall amidst newer structures. A well-maintained post remains relevant, detailed, and competitive. (In fact, in the industry, we call it “skyscrapering” a blog post!)

Importance of staying relevant

In the ever-evolving legal industry, your content must reflect the latest knowledge and changes. Laws change, precedents are set, and interpretations evolve – your blog posts should keep up. By updating your content, you provide accurate information to readers searching for legal matters.

Competition in content creation

The digital world is a battleground, with countless blogs fighting for attention for potential clients. Regular updates are necessary to provide fresh information and improve search engine rankings. Strategic keyword placement is key to winning this SEO game.

  • Fresh Information: Regularly updating blog posts ensures they contain the most recent data or developments, attracting visitors seeking up-to-date information.
  • Better Rankings: Search engines prioritize regularly updated quality content, improving your online visibility and authority on specific subjects.

Above all, remember to create new high-quality original articles too. Alternate between updating and creating new content based on your firm’s marketing plan.

Identifying Posts for Updates

Deciding which blog posts to update can be overwhelming. The secret lies in understanding your post’s performance metrics. High-performing posts with lots of views are the real MVPs and should be regularly updated to stay on top.

Updating high-performing blogs

High-performing blog posts are like gold mines that keep giving. They attract traffic, engage readers, and maybe even convert leads into clients. It’s essential to ensure these top-performing blog posts remain up-to-date and pertinent.

  • Analyzing Traffic: Check your analytics data to find these top performers based on visitor count or engagement levels.
  • Fresh Content: Keep adding new information that reflects current industry changes or expands on the topic.
  • User Feedback: Pay attention to reader comments for valuable insights on what needs updating or clarifying.

Revamping underperforming blogs

    • On the flip side, underperforming posts might not be reaching their full potential due to lackluster content or tough competition. Give them a makeover to breathe new life into these pieces and boost their readability and SEO effectiveness.

      • Detect Underperformance: Use tools like Google Analytics to identify low-traffic pages that could benefit from an update.
      • Rework Content: If a well-written and informative piece isn’t performing well, consider tweaking its structure or presentation style for a better user experience.
      • Add Value: Amp up the article’s value by incorporating additional research findings, expert opinions, or case studies directly related to the topic.

When Not To Update Blog Posts

Updating blog posts can be beneficial, but there are times when it’s just not worth it.

Recognizing Unfruitful Topics

If a blog post has been repeatedly revised yet still isn’t garnering any attention, it could be due to either the subject being too competitive or simply not appealing to your readers. For example, if you’ve written a comprehensive guide on lawyer practice areas, but it’s buried under a mountain of similar articles by big law firms, further updates might not do much to boost its rankings.

Understanding Limitations

Know your limits. If you’re writing about complex legal issues outside of your expertise, like international trade laws, readers might prefer more authoritative sources. In these cases, it’s better to bring in an expert or collaborate with a specialist instead of attempting another update yourself.

Remember, it’s important to know when to let go of underperforming content and focus on creating new pieces that align with your expertise and reader interests. A successful blog strategy involves regular updates for high-performing posts and strategic decisions about ditching the duds, all while exploring fresh topics that are relevant to industry trends and reader needs.

Effective Strategies For Updating Your Blog Posts

Staying abreast of the perpetually fluctuating legal sphere is essential for maintaining a current blog. Here are some witty strategies to enhance your blog content:

      • Add Fresh Data

        The law industry is always evolving, so keep your content current by adding fresh data and recent case studies. Stay informed of the most recent developments to offer readers a valuable experience.
      • Visual Enhancements

        A photo can be immensely expressive, even in blogging. Spice up your posts with relevant visuals like infographics, charts, or diagrams. Make complex legal concepts easier to understand and keep your readers engaged.
      • Internal Linking Strategy

        Boost engagement on your site by using internal linking. Direct readers to related articles within your blog, improving user experience and helping search engines understand your website’s structure.
      • Title Refreshment Strategy

        Breathe new life into older posts by tweaking their titles. A compelling title attracts clicks, but make sure it accurately reflects the content to avoid disappointing readers.
      • Incorporating FAQ Sections

        Answer common client inquiries or comments by adding FAQ sections to your posts. This enhances reader satisfaction and may even increase visibility on Google’s search results.


Make sure that the content on your website works for you continuously by taking the time to update existing content for your audience and potential clients. Consider visiting with a digital marketing agency to learn which articles are garnering the most traffic for your website and how you can optimize your time writing. In the end, you can make older articles work to grow your expertise and authority online by adding some additional content and attention to them!

Annette Choti, Esq. graduated from law school 20 years ago, and is the Founder of Law Quill, a legal digital marketing agency focused on small and solo law firms. Annette wrote the bestselling book Click Magnet: The Ultimate Digital Marketing Guide For Law Firms, and hosts the podcast Legal Marketing Lounge. She is a sought-after keynote and CLE speaker throughout the United States and Canada. Annette used to do theatre and professional comedy, which is not so different from the legal field if we are all being honest. Annette can be found on LinkedIn or at at annette@lawquill.com.