
Modern Family: How To Update A Traditional Family Law Practice

ATL Legal Tech Non-Event Promo Image 1How about a family law firm run by a real family? Would that be the most family law practice ever?

Let’s find out.

We invited Megan Sheehan, who runs a family law practice with her mom (!), onto the Non-Eventcast podcast, to talk about how she was able to modernize a traditional law firm, alongside her mom, and also establish a new niche in cannabis — all in less than five years! 

These generational issues are extremely difficult to manage around, but Megan and her mom did it.  

Megan talked about the first major change she made to the practice: updating the time & billing software (9:27).

Megan also discussed the importance of making changes gradually (15:41), while taking steps to improve a number of practice-related technology options, including for managing payments and documents (18:41). 

Megan also addressed how she added protocols respecting remote work, to a firm that never utilized virtual employees before (23:36). 

Finally, Megan discussed how she launched a new practice area at her existing firm (29:47), under a brand name (31:06).

If you’ve got different generations working together in a law firm, and you’re having trouble moving things forward — we can help you get unstuck. 

Just listen to this show for inspiration! 

And while you’re here, feel free to check out the Time, Billing & Payments section of the Non-Event to see the latest in tech upgrades. (The Above the Law Non-Event is supported by vendor sponsorships.)

Jared Correia, a consultant and legal technology expert, is the host of the Non-Eventcast, the featured podcast of the Above the Law Non-Event for Tech-Perplexed Lawyers. 

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