
Start Fresh Or Build Back? The Tech Choices For A New Firm

computer-3542771_1280If you’re starting a law firm, but also leaving one, you’ve got some choices to make. 

One of the primary things you’ll need to figure out is whether you want to use the same software you used in your old practice — or start fresh.

It’s not an easy choice.

That’s why we brought Shawn Scott, an Indianapolis attorney, onto the Non-Eventcast. She talks about what she decided to keep — and what she left behind — as she departed her old firm to start a new one. 

Shawn started out by discussing how law firm software often gets neglected for years, leading to a steep learning curve for adopting anything new (6:06). She next addressed what it’s like to take demos for new software tools (10:31). 

After that, Shawn covered how difficult it is to add new software into a law firm when different generations of attorney and staff are involved (16:03).  Shawn also offered some insight into the software she chose for her new firm (17:28). 

Shawn added her thoughts on what it was like to leave her old firm (23:41) and find a new law firm partner (25:09). Lastly, Shawn talked about how new partners can split up decision-making (28:51).

If you’re ready to upgrade your law firm technology stack, but don’t know what you should stick with, and what you should replace, this is the episode for you! 

And while you’re here, feel free to check out the Time, Billing & Payments section of the Non-Event to see the latest in tech upgrades. (The Above the Law Non-Event is supported by vendor sponsorships.)

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