
‘One of the Dumbest Things We’ve Ever Heard’: Critics Blast Pence’s Attack on Biden

Republican U.S. Rep. Derrick Van Orden once again unleashed an angry, profanity-laced tirade, this time at Biden White House briefers who were informing members of Congress about the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel.

“Multiple attendees described Van Orden (R-Wis.) as acting belligerent towards the Biden administration briefers when he asked questions. Several people said Van Orden cursed directly at the briefers, prompting loud boos in the room. One person in the room said Van Orden shouted that the briefers’ presentation was ‘pathetic.’ Another attendee described it as ‘offensive and inappropriate,’” Politico reports.

“One member, Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.), shouted ‘shame on you’ in response to Van Orden’s verbal affront — prompting Van Orden to drop an f-bomb toward the Minnesota Democrat, who is Jewish.”

Democratic U.S. Rep. Judy Chu of California called Van Orden “rude” and said he “attacked the presenters.”

“I thought they had very substantive things to say. But he just had this blanket attack saying that ‘this is the worst information I’ve ever had.’”

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Another Democrat, U.S. Rep. Jason Crow of Colorado “apologized for his colleague’s conduct, telling the briefers, ‘I apologize for this guy, the attendees said.’”

Axios’ Andrew Solender adds, “Van Orden was ‘personally attacking each of the briefers, referring to their briefs as ‘pathetic,’ ‘embarrassing,’ it was just really nasty,’ one House Dem said. ‘He went nuts,’ said Rep. Steve Cohen.”

Congressman Van Orden, 54, is a former U.S. Navy SEAL who has a history of directing profanity at children. He made nationwide headlines just months ago when he verbally attacked a group of Senate pages who were taking photographs in the Capitol Rotunda on their last night in service, a long-standing tradition according to some former pages.

Van Orden had been “heard partying loudly” in his congressional office that reportedly was filled with alcohol in full view, back in July.

“Wake the f*ck up you little sh*ts,” Congressman Van Orden, who was endorsed by Donald Trump, told the teenaged Senate pages, according to a transcript one of them wrote down, as The Hill reported. Punchbowl News was first to report the incident.

“What the f*ck are you all doing? Get the f*ck out of here. You are defiling the space you [pieces of sh*t],” he reportedly told them.

“Who the f*ck are you?” he reportedly asked.

When told they were Senate pages, Van Orden is said to have replied, “I don’t give a f*ck who you are, get out.”

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“You j*ck*sses, get out,” he added.

Van Orden never apologized and doubled down after his actions were denounced by both Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

That was not the first time Van Orden attacked minors.

In 2021, while still a congressional candidate Van Orden verbally attacked a 17-year old public library page over a display of LGBTQ children’s books during Pride Month.

“A staffer at a southwestern Wisconsin library says a Republican congressional candidate threatened her over a gay pride display,” the Associated Press had reported. “Kerrigan Trautsch, a page at the Prairie du Chien Memorial Library, told the La Crosse Tribune that Derrick Van Orden came into the library on June 17 and complained loudly about a display of fiction and nonfiction books about homosexuality in the children’s section.”

Trautsch “said Van Orden was angry, and that he said the books offended him and that taxpayers shouldn’t have to see them.”

“His voice was loud, he was aggressive, he had his finger jabbing into (the book) constantly,” Trautsch said and called the situation “very uncomfortable, threatening.”

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“He was full-on shouting at this point and he kept aggressively shoving the books around,” she also said.

“He was especially upset about the 2018 book, “A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo.” The 40-page book put out by John Oliver’s weekly HBO news show, “Last Week Tonight,” tells the fictional story of how Marlon Bundo, former Vice President Mike Pence’s real-life rabbit, marries another rabbit of the same sex.”